Sunday, August 21, 2011


Cruising was amazing. Well mostly amazing. Took us over an hour to get through the Rollercoaster-long lines to get through security and onto the ship. We smuggled on at least 1 bottle of rum at the beginning. Successfully. Then after all the standing in lines bullshit we finally got on the ship. We were told to go up to the lido deck and have lunch because our rooms wouldnt be ready for another 30 minutes. Well my arms were tired of carrying all that baggage and I needed a break. So we sat on our luggage by the room till they let us in.
We did a little exploring, went and found some lunch and drinks. And the only free drinks u get are tea and lemonade. So we ended up drinking some concoction of lemonade and rum the whole time.
After lunch, bellies full, thirst satisfied we walked around the deck a little before heading back to our rooms.
We were told there would be a "muster" meeting before disembarkment. Where they showed us how to attach out safety vests. I'm pretty much a genius and watched it on the tv before. So when they came to check our room and make sure we were there, Daniel hid under the bed and I hid in the shower. Why we couldn't just have gone to the meeting, I dont know. I didn't want to. Rebel.

So we cruised.

Besides the nickel and dime-ing us to death it was ok. Daniel wanted to gamble, he did, poorly and when he was ready to get his sad little 10¢ put on his card for credit he was charged a $20 fee just to add it to the card. Missed that fine print! Muthafukas.
Then we got charged a $50 gratuity fee a piece. I wouldn't have minded if I had been getting decent service. In fact it could have saved me lots of money in gratuity, however the service we got didn't warrant $50 a piece. If those people had been working for tips, they could have given me much better service and I'd have lost tons of dough (bc I'm an overtipper). You see what I'm saying here?

Moral of the story if I'm gonna drop lots of money make it worth it! Don't just be a boat to mexico. I think we're gonna try a different cruise-line. Maybe royal Caribbean, disney, or norweigen. We hadn't ever done it before and now we know what to expect. But now were ready for next time.

The boat itself wasn't as fancy as I thought it'd be either, the food wasn't great, the hallways constantly smelled like eggy farts. The room looked old ad small. I knew itd be tiny but damn. And we got a deluxe room!
I've seen elevators that were bigger. It was pretty awesome to have a balcony though. If we wanted privacy between us and the ocean we could go out there for peace. Nobody could see us from our balcony either. We coulda boinked and the only ones who'd have known would be us and the fishes. But we didnt. Much to Daniels dismay. He'll be alright.

Anyway. We finally made it to mexico. Progresso was first. I bought a bunch of crap from those people before we hit the beach. The beach itself amazed me. It was made of half sand and half seashells. I've never heard of that. I little painful to walk on but beautiful.

I rode a jet-ski for the first time ever. I drove first then wanted to switch. I got so much saltwater and mascara in my eyes I couldn't even keep them open the whole time. Daniel tried to throw me off a few times too. Punk ass.

Our next stop was Cozumel. It was lovely. Shopping was much more intense. They sold nice things in Cozumel, like jewelry, not handmade jewelry either. Fancy jewelry. Didn't go into any of those stores. We found where they hid the taxis got in one and went to a beach. We snorkled, floated, ate, tanned, drank. Pretty fun. Then we got back to town and found the liquor store. Bought 2 bottles of rum 3 mini kaluhuas, 2 mini tequilas (Daniel drank the one with the worm!!!) Watch it here so gross yet so funny. So I downed my kaluhuas and we smuggled the other two bottles of rum back on board the ship.

Which made us pass out for the next two nights on the deck.

Had a great time. Will do it again but with a different cruise-line.

I feel like my heart wasn't in this blog. It was mostly informative. Promise the next few will be more entertaining.

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