Monday, March 18, 2013

Ranting is bitching

And that's what I'm doing

Went on a call. They called for double female crew. In a bad part of town. And of course. Of COURSE I get woke up to go.

So we get there, there's an entire engine on scene. All men. And cops. All men. Why do u need two females? Retards

A fire medic comes up to me and speaks quietly
"We've got a 22 year old female with PID."
Ok. I'm assuming he's going to continue with "she's been molested" or something to that end. Nope. That was the end of his report. So since he's whispering I think PID must mean something about being molested.
Parent intrusion dick
Personal incest dick
I don't know. What's PID?
So after a couple seconds waiting for him to continue then pondering what PID could be I just say,
"I don't know what that means" he steps back and looks at me like I just slapped his mama on the ass and called her a monkey. Holy shit. I didn't mean to offend you for not knowing what it stood for. Maybe if you didn't speak in godamn acronyms, people would understand you.
Then he doesn't even explain. He just continues to stare at me.
Ok what the fuck ever. We load the patient onto the stretcher and he comes up behind me and whispers
"Pelvic inflammatory disease" in my ear. Yea. That's not what I want to hear whispered two inches from my face. Nor do I understand the significance of whispering it. Everyone on scene knows she has it. Way to go dumbass.

So we're buckling this patient up. She says "my boyfriend is riding"
"No, actually he's not."
I don't allow riders. None. Unless your a child or dementia patient, you don't get any company in the truck but little ol me.
"Why can't he ride?"
-BECAUSE IT'S NOT A GODAMN TAXI! Is what I wanted to say.
Instead I went into my whole non essential riders spiel.
Got the bitch in the truck and asked her why she called 911. She said she was in pain all over and felt like her bones were on fire.
Really?!? Seriously?!
Asked her how much meth she did that day. She lied and said none. Yea. Nobody believes you honey.
Tried to ask her problems about her medical problems, she kept going back to her boyfriend not getting to ride,
"They let him ride last time,"
"Well they aren't me. And I don't allow any riders, now what kind of medical problems do you have?" She starts listing bipolar, ADHD, schizo, and a couple other psych disorders.
Ah. Got it. You're cray cray.
Enroute she said her throat was closing and she couldn't breathe. Um. No it's not. If it was you wouldn't have gotten one word much less an entire sentence out. You're fine, shut up. She also had just been to the hospital two days before for the same thing and hadn't got her scripts filled. Guess what, she wanted to go to a different one this time! Amazing! I have never heard of people doing this in rapid succession in order to get pills before! You are an entrepreneur!

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